Herman Joseph Heuser papers, 1811-1933 (MC 1)

...and professional in nature. A significant portion of the correspondence is between Heuser and prominent figures within the Catholic Church, including Cardinal James Gibbons, Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of Philadelphia, Katharine Drexel, and Thomas C. Middleton. Other notable correspondents include Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Princess Catherine Radziwiłł, and Leopold Stokowski.

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...han the officers, sharing just four eating utensils reserved for officers' use. The chapel was so small that some sisters had to exit the room so others could enter and receive Holy Communion. Satterlee Hospital became a self-contained city when a tent city was built on the grounds in 1863.

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National Council of Catholic Women

...it would serve more as an umbrella organization to help coordinate action between associations rather than a local group focused on a single issue.[2] Indeed, the NCCW saw itself as a federation seeking to unite and strengthen local groups, not to be in competition with them.[3] When the NCCW began,

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Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...e Cooperative was to take the bulk foodstuff and have it canned for future use to further help Catholic intuitions save money. The plan was so successful that it continued through the 1940s and into the 1950s.[11] Squash court at in the Stotesbury Mansion, 03/03/1987, 505E During the 20th century,

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