Alliance of Catholic Women

...mention working with the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to teach at the catechetical centers as well as providing aid to local families.[10] The ACW also regularly distributed clothes and food to the needy, giving out tens of thousands of pieces of garments per year as well as assisting families

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Misericordia Hospital

...ations/mercy-philadelphia/history/ [7] “Misericordia Hospital Solemnly Dedicated,” Catholic Standard and Times, (June 15, 1918), 3. [8] “Our History.” [9] One-Half Century, 14 [10] First Report, 20 [11] First Report, 29-32. [12] One-Half Century, 15. [13] The Nursed Record of the First Graduating Class of the Misericordia Hospital (Philadelphia 1921), 25-27. [14]

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Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons   While anti-Catholic cartoons date back to the Protestant Reformation, around the 1870s there was a renewed focus on the Catholic Church in the United States. World events, such as the new dogma of papal infallibility (the belief that the pope cannot be wrong in matters of

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...sters during the epidemic of influenza, October, 1918, (Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1919), 3-6. [8] Ibid., 7. [9] Ibid., 21. [10] Ibid., 24. [11] Ibid., 26 & 31. [12] Letter from Commissioner of Health of Pennsylvania to the Right Reverbed Dougherty on November 25, 1918. SB-10, April

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