Digital Collections

Digital Collections CHRC has a large number of items that have been digitized through various digitization projects, partnerships, patron research requests, and social media initiatives. We endeavor to provide standardized descriptive practices and open access to this growing collection over the web. CHRC's Omeka site features a growing set of

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia practically destroyed and two churches and a convent were burnt to the ground. Engraving of the "Rioters in Kensington" from A Full and Complete Account of the Late Awful Riots in Philadelphia Philadelphia: John B. Perry, 1844 One of the numerous broadsides Bishop Kenrick had posted throughout the city

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

...n. It expelled on of its members in 1776 for siding with the British.[5] Many members of the group were active within the Revolution, such as Commodore John Barry and General Anthony Wayne. Furthermore, the members of the society helped fund the war effort by establishing a bank to provide

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Research Request Forms

...holic Protectory (January 1916- February 1947) as well as St Vincent’s Tacony (1892-1994), which housed both boys and girls. We will conduct research for these records. Only records prior to 1940 can be searched for genealogical purposes. Records after 1940 can only be obtained by the person the record pertains

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