Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find

...shortened further to Redpath’s Weekly. This reflected the reduction in the number of illustrations due to rising publication costs. By August 1883, the paper had become more literary and less a vehicle for Irish freedom and social activism with more space devoted to serialized fiction, including French and Russian works

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Drexel Beatification

...eliminating the Promotor of the Faith (Devil’s Advocate) and reducing the number of miracles required for canonization from three to two. The first step in the process was to examine all of Katharine Drexel’s writings and interview as many people who knew her as possible. On January 26, 1987, she

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...onal Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade. In response, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. This cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of July 1863, where Irish Catholics attacked African-Americans throughout New York City. Nast blamed the attacks on both the ethnicity of the Irish and their

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Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...parish schools were erected, especially ethnic parishes for the increasing number of southern Italian and Eastern European immigrants. Three Italian parishes in the city alone, including St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Our Lady of Pompeii, and Our Lady of Consolation, were established during Prendergast’s brief tenure.   St. Nicholas of Tolentine

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