Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons and some attempts by politicians, most notably Boss Tweed, to use state money to help fund these parochial schools raised concern that these religious institutions would replace the public school system completely.[2] One of Nast’s most famous cartoons, “The American River Ganges,” published in 1871 depicts bishops shaped as

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Centennial Exposition

...or entirely through private funds so thousands of bonds were sold to raise money.[2] However, the federal government eventually had to step in to supplement budget shortfalls in the event.[3] Before the Exposition opened, there was debate over opening the fairgrounds on Sundays. While it was decided to keep it

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Bishop Francis Kenrick and His Journals

...German Catholics in America (Correspondence 120). Bishop Kenrick provided money to aid a new German parish in Philadelphia (Nolan 252) and allowed for the publication of a Catholic newspaper in German. A page from Kenrick's journal that mentions the establishment of the Catholic newspaper for Germans. It was also interesting

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Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find

...shortened further to Redpath’s Weekly. This reflected the reduction in the number of illustrations due to rising publication costs. By August 1883, the paper had become more literary and less a vehicle for Irish freedom and social activism with more space devoted to serialized fiction, including French and Russian works

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