Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...f over 100 new parishes, Catholicism flourished in the Archdiocese and the number of Catholics continued to increase. Halvey_483 Dougherty’s Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood was seen as a way to honor his work in expanding the Church as well as celebrating Catholic life in the city.

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The Church and Labor

...associated with socialists and communists.[7] This posed a major problem since the papal encyclicals taught “no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true Socialist.”[8] Indeed, many priests and bishops called for the creation of unions with a religious foundation in order to better “restore

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The Centennial Fountain

...rations in Philadelphia to mark the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Diocese of Philadelphia wanted to partake in the festivities. To do so, the organization proposed building a fountain in Fairmount Park to celebrate temperance, Catholicism, and Irish-heritage. In order to accomplish

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...s, 1844 Broadside publicizing Coad's lectures, undated The collection includes some of Coad’s correspondence, his lecture notes and medical remedies, testimonials noting the capabilities of his galvanic battery, as well as related ephemera. Ephemeral materials include newspaper clippings, pamphlets and broadsides publicizing his invention, lectures, as well as the school

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