Centennial Exposition

...ional Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Products of the Soil and Mine closed on November 10, 1876, over 10 million visitors had been through the exhibit grounds. The event proved to be a huge success for the city as well as for the Catholics in the archdiocese. [1] “The Great

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A Philadelphia Artist

...the Fine Arts which held annual exhibitions to sustain art activity in the city. Receipt of payment for lessons in portrait painting with John Neagle, January 9, 1841 Letter from noted lithographer John Sartain with information regarding a meeting of artists associated with the Academy of Fine Arts, January 15,

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Ann Mattingly’s Miracle Cure

...e, etc, etc. upon the Miraculous Restoration of Mrs. Ann Mattingly, of the City of Washington, D.C., Together with the Documents. Charleston, 1830. Print. Matthews, William. A Collection of Affidavits and Certificates Relative to the Wonderful Cure of Mrs. Ann Mattingly, Which to place in the City of Washington, D.C.

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Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...ty for which Jane served as recording secretary for a time, as well as the City History Society of Philadelphia, the Audubon Society, St. Vincent’s Aid Society, the Civic Club, the Mercantile Club, and the Women’s Press Club among others. Long-time residents of Germantown, they were also actively involved in

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