Newman Centers

...both professionals and students. Other Newman clubs would begin to open in Philadelphia area schools, including Temple and Drexel as well as many of the medical colleges such as Hahnemann and the Woman’s Medical College.[6] And by the 1940s, a majority of local non-Catholic colleges had their own Newman Centers

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...s, 1844 Broadside publicizing Coad's lectures, undated The collection includes some of Coad’s correspondence, his lecture notes and medical remedies, testimonials noting the capabilities of his galvanic battery, as well as related ephemera. Ephemeral materials include newspaper clippings, pamphlets and broadsides publicizing his invention, lectures, as well as the school

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The Centennial Fountain

...nnial celebrations. [1] Joseph Gibbs, History of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, (Philadelphia: 1907), 26. [2] Daria Gasparini, “A Celebration of Moral Force: The Catholic Total Abstinence Union of American Centennial Fountain,” Master’s Thesis (University of Pennsylvania, 2002), 7. [3] Gibbs, History of the Catholic, 34. [4] Gasparini,

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The Church and Labor

...associated with socialists and communists.[7] This posed a major problem since the papal encyclicals taught “no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true Socialist.”[8] Indeed, many priests and bishops called for the creation of unions with a religious foundation in order to better “restore

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