Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...ty for which Jane served as recording secretary for a time, as well as the City History Society of Philadelphia, the Audubon Society, St. Vincent’s Aid Society, the Civic Club, the Mercantile Club, and the Women’s Press Club among others. Long-time residents of Germantown, they were also actively involved in

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Centennial Exposition

...en, other Catholic events were held both at the grounds and throughout the city. Speeches were held at various Catholic Churches, most of which spoke of the importance of religious liberty and faith in building America.[14] By the time the International Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Products of the Soil

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A Philadelphia Artist

...the century up until the mid 1800s, Philadelphia served as the preeminent city for artists in the country, particularly portrait artists and lithographers. Thus, Martin was privy to a vibrant artistic scene. He was able to receive tutoring in portrait painting from notable artist John Neagle. Martin was also a

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...phia relative to continuing and even expanding the apostolate in the inner-city areas. The work of CORDUM was guided by various documents, most of which came from the Second Vatican Council, such as Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World), Apostolicam Actuositatem (Apostolate of the Laity), and Ad

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