Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...delayed. But the appeal will be still opportune if it appears in the April number. May God bless the holy zeal that animates you and give you the joy of seeing the wishes of the venerable Cardinal Luçon relayed. With sincere regard, Faithfully in J.C., H. J. Heuser [?] 8th

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Misericordia Hospital

...ued to expand and would add two more wings over the years, bring the total number of beds to 400 by 1968.[12] The Nursed Record of the First Graduating Class of the Misericordia Hospital (Philadelphia 1921), 32. An important component of Misericordia hospital was its use as a teaching center

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Parish Mapping Project

...e resource to all those studying the history of the Catholic Church in the city of Philadelphia and the neighboring counties.   View the 1971 parish boundary map here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1kAuttxjUNIOTogr05zzDB31kB9gq4myC&usp=sharing View the 1921 parish boundary map here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=12hZun1-1hUN1DowqK7ICETiiYl4dIndo&usp=sharing View the 1891 parish boundary map here: https://www.google.com/maps/d...

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