Ann Mattingly’s Miracle Cure

...s, one from William Matthews, Rector of St. Patrick’s Church in Washington DC, and one from Reverend Ambrose Marechal, Archbishop of Baltimore, who both profess their belief in Mattingly’s miraculous cure. Her ailment began in 1817, when she began to feel pain in her left side. Her left breast gradually

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Josephine Walsh (center) on her way to Europe, July 1900

A “petulant girl”?: Josephine Walsh’s diaries

...d Joseph Walsh, both of whom were doctors. Josephine Walsh (center) on her way to Europe, July 1900 Josephine Walsh was the youngest child of Martin Walsh, a prominent general goods businessman who lived in Parsons, PA, and Bridget Golden Walsh, the niece of Martin’s business partner. As one of

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...anization for women in the Archdiocese and many parish priests saw it as a way to aid in parish activities. [2] Queen of Peace House The Alliance quickly established a place for itself in the city with a wide range of programs. The first major undertaking was the opening and

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Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...ugherty’s Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood was seen as a way to honor his work in expanding the Church as well as celebrating Catholic life in the city. A letter from Hugh Lamb, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia stated that the Mass would be a great “demonstration of

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