Packard, Butler and Partridge Lithograph Collection

...beled but generally are not. St. Stanislaus Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin A number of the exterior views also include vignettes of the pastor or other parish buildings such as the school, rectory and convent or the former church. St. Mary's Church, Norwalk, Ohio The exterior views also have standard touches such

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...ters were put into direct contact with the flu when caring for the sick, a number of them would also become infected with the disease. It was recorded that 23 sisters died from the flu. One such case reported in the Catholic Standard and Times stated that Mother Marie Aloysius

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...the collection is correspondence, ephemera, some estate items, and a scrapbook relating to Patrick Coad’s family, including his son Joseph R. Coad (1829-1868), a prominent Philadelphia physician who served as president of the city’s Board of Health. Dr. Joseph R. Coad, circa 1860 Thus far, I have found that manuscript

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...delayed. But the appeal will be still opportune if it appears in the April number. May God bless the holy zeal that animates you and give you the joy of seeing the wishes of the venerable Cardinal Luçon relayed. With sincere regard, Faithfully in J.C., H. J. Heuser [?] 8th

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