Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...itute expanded its membership in January of 1942 with the creation of the Ladies’ Committee.[13] In 1950, the Philopatrians further expanded their focus on education with the introduction of a scholarship fund to help students attend the local Catholic colleges or St. Charles Seminary.[14] 1960 saw the introduction of the

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TV and Radio

...alvey_U844 The Catholic Church has a long history of using television and radio to communicate to the faithful. One of the first successful instances was in 1930 with Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s popular radio show, The Catholic Hour. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia began its own radio apostolate in 1944 and would

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Building of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

...dedication, the high altar was not finished and a temporary wooden one was used instead.[12] Furthermore, there was no art work or decorations adoring the walls or side altars. Over the coming years, murals and art would be added in piecemeal; however, this led to a disjointed aesthetic. Under Archbishop

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...the ethnicity of the Irish and their Catholic religion, believing that it made them incompatible with American values. “A Roman Catholic Mission from England to the “heathens” of America,” December 30, 1871 In this cartoon, a priest holds a pair of shackles hoping to enslave the recently freed African American

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