Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...ather than join an established order, it was Connelly's mission to start a new order which she called the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. As Superior, she and the nuns that joined her opened a boarding school for girls with a full curriculum including English, foreign languages, social studies,

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Catholics in WWII

...stant chaplains.[6] O’Hara’s letter also included a list breaking down the number of chaplains from each diocese, in which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of

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The Centennial Fountain

...George's Hill (note the single statue on the left pedestal)                             As the centennial year and the exhibition came to close, the fountain still remained unfinished. It would not be until March of 1877 that the

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