10th Synod

...the preparation was completed in early 1966, it was decided to cancel the official synod as the larger Synod of Bishops was taking place in the aftermath of Vatican II. The 10th synod as organized by Bevilacqua officially opened on September 15, 2002 with a Mass at the Cathedral.[7] In

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Manuscript Collections

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia records include the extant official correspondence of all of the bishops and archbishops of Philadelphia up to the present. The bishops' collections are rather small up to the episcopacy of Dennis Cardinal Dougherty (1918-1951), when the volume of his and subsequent collections increases significantly. Post-1920 materials

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Liturgical Music and Peter LaManna

...the Mass. In teaching at the Seminary, he instructed his students in both official teachings on liturgical music as well as pastoral implications. One thing that LaManna stressed in his classes was that secular music was not permitted at any liturgical service in the Archdiocese. Dr. LaManna continued to serve

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“An Appeal to Truth”

...the German language, and so was obliged to accept and to sign on trust the official reports.” He claimed that this evidence was unacceptable, the argument one-sided, and that it was unfair for them to take the argument to the Pope without giving the Belgian’s a chance to voice their

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