Newman Centers

..., which was greater than the total number of students attending the five local Catholic Colleges.[5] It should be noted that at this time two different Catholic organizations operated at the University of Pennsylvania. First was the Catholic Student’s Organization Committee (replaced the defunct Newman Club), and the second was

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The Bishop’s Bank

...ney owed he wrote, "With depositors never contend on small matters; if you cannot mildly convince them, pay; it is better to lose a few dollars, than to send abroad a discontented trumpet!" Bishop's Bank Rules, 1848 Regarding investments Frenaye was adamant. The rules state, "Bear in mind that investments

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

..., France) along with letters from Herman Joseph Heuser, editor of The American Ecclesiastical Review, referencing the letters from Geoffroy. Letter from Theophile Geoffroy, dated January 6, 1921 It seems that Kite had sent some of Geoffroy’s letters, along with a short article written by her, to The American Ecclesiastical

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Nuclear War

...ning with negotiations in 1969, SALT resulted in an agreement to limit the number of ballistic missiles held by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Wolf, “Which Way?” December 15, 1953 Wolf questions whether mankind will chose the path that leads to peace or the one that leads to nuclear war.

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