Newman Centers

...e NANCC sought to better train and provide aid to the hundreds of full and part time chaplains working at the centers.[14] Newman Centers are an integral part of the Catholic Church’s role in the continuing presence and education of students who attend non-Catholic colleges. Through such centers, Catholics can

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The Bishop’s Bank

...or Johanna Reilly, who opened an account in 1852, reads "42 years old, St. Paul's Parish: a tall woman, pockmarked". This kind of description is not unusual at this time. If a person was illiterate and unable to write their name, a physical description or personal information was the only

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...Your note explaining the occasion of the communication for which you ask space in the E.R. cannot, of course, leave me indifferent. I hope to publish it, with a few introductory words in the spirit of your letter. It may not be possible to get the matter into the March

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Nuclear War

...rch 5, 1970 McGovern satirizes the United States’ priorities that spends billions on weapons of war while its citizens live in poverty. Knudsen, “Parasite,” 1971 Knudsen compares the arms race to a parasitic plant grown by hate that will drain the life from the planet. ← Cold War Communism →...

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