Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...of this section of the city. Jane also contributed to several Philadelphia newspapers, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Record, and the Ledger writing about a multitude of topics. She also wrote children’s folk tales for the Record and contributed to Catholic publications, including the Rosary Magazine of New York, the

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Roman Catholic and Archdiocese High Schools

...atholic for boys was opened in 1916 as an attempt to lessen the burden on Roman. However, by 1925, Roman still had 12 different annexes throughout the city as the main building could not hold all of its students. To better accommodate the high enrollment, the Archdiocese started to open

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...ine during the war was an eye-opening experience. The wounds caused by the new and improved artillery met the outdated medical practices of understaffed field hospitals, resulting in an epidemic of needless deaths. Conditions began to improve with the advent of permanent army hospitals like Sattelee, staffed by experiences surgeons

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Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence

...e correspondence file comes from Michael Augustine Corrigan, Archbishop of New York. Typed letter composed in 1891 by Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan asking Shea for clarification of sources to the assertion that there were large defections in the Catholic Church in America. Other large correspondence files contain letters from Archbishop

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