Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...holic immigrants, however, as well as the increasingly aggressive and authoritarian stance of the papacy, which became more outspoken in its denunciations of modernism and liberalism, established a fear that Catholics posed a genuine threat. Conspiracy theories of a papal takeover of the United States abounded. A large dimension of

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The Bishop’s Bank

...September 23, 1857, when Bishop Wood, who had been a bank clerk before entering the priesthood, took over management. When a similar bank in Cincinnati failed, Archbishop Wood decided to liquidate the Bishop's Bank. However, confidence in the bank was so great that depositors refused to withdraw their money, even

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...or delayed. But the appeal will be still opportune if it appears in the April number. May God bless the holy zeal that animates you and give you the joy of seeing the wishes of the venerable Cardinal Luçon relayed. With sincere regard, Faithfully in J.C., H. J. Heuser [?]

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Nuclear War

...S.R. Wolf, “Which Way?” December 15, 1953 Wolf questions whether mankind will chose the path that leads to peace or the one that leads to nuclear war. McGovern, “Just Think, Dear!” March 5, 1970 McGovern satirizes the United States’ priorities that spends billions on weapons of war while its citizens

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