Jack Chick (1924-2016)

Jack Chick (1924-2016) The most notable present day anti-Catholic cartoonist was Jack T. Chick, who published his first comic in 1961. He hoped to convert his readers to a radical form of apocalyptic evangelism. Jack's company, Chick Publications, has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law

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Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career

...shed by the U.S. government, located in the northwestern corner of present-day Nebraska. This agency served as one of the centers of activity during the Sioux Wars of 1876-77. The government assigned troops to Red Cloud Agency in March 1874 after the killing of an agency clerk. The military encampment

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Interesting film history finds in the Parish Calendar collection

...is virtually unknown in 2011, but he was certainly a popular actor in his day and still remains an interesting historical figure. There are two related articles within this August 1940 calendar on the topic of children watching movies. Both articles are fascinating as they show that children were a

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Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...usband Austin Montgomery. Growing up, Cornelia went with her parents on Sundays to Second Presbyterian Church at Third and Arch streets. She continued to frequent the congregation until 1831, when she was baptized into the Episcopal Church at Saint Stephen’s on Tenth Street. It is uncertain as to why she

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