Newman Centers their souls their priceless Catholic heritage.”[13] Indeed, the importance of providing strong Catholic spiritual and educational support to students at secular colleges, led to the National Association of Newman Club Chaplains. The NANCC sought to better train and provide aid to the hundreds of full and part time chaplains

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...y rhetorical.” The influx of Catholic immigrants, however, as well as the increasingly aggressive and authoritarian stance of the papacy, which became more outspoken in its denunciations of modernism and liberalism, established a fear that Catholics posed a genuine threat. Conspiracy theories of a papal takeover of the United States

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The Bishop’s Bank

...itely. Impatience should never be shown. Payment should never be made in “uncurrent” money (a constant concern during this period) but should be in gold or city notes. Concerning disagreements over money owed he wrote, "With depositors never contend on small matters; if you cannot mildly convince them, pay; it

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...n the war, as were other French citizens, and so the Catholic Church in France experienced a serious dearth of clergy after the end of the war. As a scholar of American history and in particular, of French-American relations during the Revolutionary War, Kite knew the extent to which the

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