Papal Infallibility

...ancy between faith and reason since the same God who reveals mysteries has bestowed the light of reason.”[2] From there the document traces the history of papal authority and the role of revelation, beginning with Peter being given the keys to the kingdom and the apostolic succession.[3] The Council then

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A Brief History of the Growing Pains of the Church in Philadelphia

...rants, Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia, the first ethnic church in the country, was built in 1789 for the German Catholics and by 1808 the population of Catholics in the city had grown to 30,000.[4] Bishop Michael Egan, n.d. The original boundary of the Diocese of Philadelphia included all of

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A Philadelphia Artist

...e mid 1800s, Philadelphia served as the preeminent city for artists in the country, particularly portrait artists and lithographers. Thus, Martin was privy to a vibrant artistic scene. He was able to receive tutoring in portrait painting from notable artist John Neagle. Martin was also a member of the Artists

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About CHRC Society of Philadelphia, the oldest Catholic historical society in the country. Mission Statement The purpose of the Catholic Historical Research Center (CHRC) is to collect, preserve, and make available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and those ancillary records and items that reflect the growth

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