Alliance of Catholic Women

...shelter for girls and women. The home was located on 305 N 19th Street and opened on March 25, 1917. During its first year it gave shelter to over 400 women as well as aided in finding permanent jobs and homes for them.[3] During the Great Depression, Queen of Peace

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FAQ are some online finding aids that researchers can access. CHRC offers services for researchers who are unable to visit. While there is no fee for quick reference questions that require no research, general (non-genealogical) research questions can be handled by skilled staff members for a fee of $25.00 for

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41st International Eucharistic Congress

...d over 5 million dollars in just a few months.[10] To date Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl has raised over $300 million.[11] Another lasting impact of the 41st IEC was a hymn writing contest that resulted in the popular “Gift of Finest Wheat,” used commonly as the Communion hymn during

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Black Catholics in Philadelphia and The Journal

...lack families were able to rent pews in the gallery of Old St. Joseph. The number of black Catholics in Philadelphia grew considerably during the Haitian revolution (1791-1804) when many refugees immigrated to the city. Evidence of black Catholics can be found within the sacramental registers of the older parishes,

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