The Centennial Fountain

...ate.[13] Despite this, the fountain was considered a huge success with one newspaper stating that it was an “expression of the sterling patriotism which has ever characterized the Catholic Church in America.”[14] While the Centennial Fountain was not ready for the centennial and now no longer functions as a fountain,

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...ters were put into direct contact with the flu when caring for the sick, a number of them would also become infected with the disease. It was recorded that 23 sisters died from the flu. One such case reported in the Catholic Standard and Times stated that Mother Marie Aloysius

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

...rst Annual Banquet of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Newark, NJ, March 17, 1911 [3] Samuel Hood, A brief account of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick : with biographical notices of some of the members, and extracts from the minutes, (Philadelphia:

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Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...America’s Protestant culture was at risk. ← Cartooning Catholics Thomas Nast →...

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