Temperance Movement

...upport and convince people to give up alcohol. In addition, the union made use of numerous newspapers, such as Boston’s The Pilot or New York's Catholic Society Journal of America in order to spread the message of temperance.[8] Another way that the CTAU and other temperance societies tried to increase

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National Council of Catholic Women

...it would serve more as an umbrella organization to help coordinate action between associations rather than a local group focused on a single issue.[2] Indeed, the NCCW saw itself as a federation seeking to unite and strengthen local groups, not to be in competition with them.[3] When the NCCW began,

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...boundaries of this singular diocese encompassed the entire United States. Between 1790 and 1820, one-quarter-million immigrants arrived in the United States. By 1810, the city and county of Philadelphia had over 100,000 inhabitants. As the number of Catholics in the United States grew, Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore suggested that

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World War One Army Chaplains

...he Pennsylvania National Guard; however, he would be discharged before the United States officially entered the war. Father Wolfe would serve as the rector of St. Gregory’s until his passing at the age of 67 in 1949.[11] His actions and the actions of countless others during World War One serve

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