Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...of American agreed to stronger self-censorship and created the Production Code Administration, headed by Catholic layman, Joseph Breen.[9] Another effect of the boycott was the growth in power of the Legion of Decency, a Catholic organization which reviewed and rated movies (the history of the Legion will be explored more

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Legion of Decency

...Legion of Decency The cartoons used by the Legion of Decency represent the use of cartoons as means of propaganda. These images were used to gain support for the movie boycotts of the 1930s. The use of the octopus was a common motif in cartooning to illustrate corruption. Catholic Youth

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Papal Infallibility

...ters of salvation and deal with the whole church, which means he could not use his authority to speak ex cathedra on matters only relating to one country. Thus, Newman concluded that there is “no inconsistency in my being at once a good Catholic and a good Englishman.”[12] Not all

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The Church and Labor

...s, Father John O’Brien, compared Pope Leo’s work to the Bill of Rights because it set forth the idea that man is endowed with natural rights in the workforce and that he therefore needs to be treated with justice.[6] For Pope Leo and Pope Pius, these rights meant that for

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