Catholics in WWII Aloysius McGrann, described his experiences at field hospitals in North Africa and Italy. After landing with the main forces in Italy in September of 1945, Father McGrann moved up the peninsula through Cassino, Anzio, and Bologna, attending to not only the Allies but captured German and Italian prisoners. After

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Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find

...rter, publisher, lobbyist, superintendent of schools in the reconstruction south, social activist and entertainment mogul. Redpath had sold his Lyceum booking agency several years earlier and was recuperating from an accident. He proposed to The New York Tribune that they send him to Ireland where he could regain his health

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...soldiers. A 14-foot high fence surrounded the property, which now sprawled south to Baltimore Avenue and west to 46th Street. On the grounds there was a post office, clothing store, laundry facility, carpenter shop, printing shop, dispensary, library, and three kitchens referred to as restaurants. Although the official capacity of

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...a of the city. We were in North Philly, we were in the suburbs, we were in South Philly, you know, and all I had to do was call them and they’d be there. I remember a guy and he had his fists right up in my nose, like that.

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