Irish Land War

...nd War in Ireland over the centuries old landlordism system. By 1879, about 800 families owned half of the country’s land and acted as landlords, renting small plots of land out to the majority of the population (an estimated five million people). The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the American

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...ould not be revealed in more traditional written records.[4] Thus, in many ways cartoons are not only an artifact of popular culture but also help to shape and reflect public sentiment. The Thomas Nast cartoons in our collection tell a story of the ingrained anti-Irish and anti-Catholic attitude during the

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Benedict Club: A Home Away From Home

...rst year about 200 men visited the club each day and by 1943 that was up to 800.[11] The women volunteers, called the Morale Corps, would organize various themes for the dances as well as staff the offices and service desks and serve food and refreshments. The military men described

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Eucharistic Congress 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 Bishops from around the world. Halvey_A429_001 Halvey_A429_052 Halvey_A429_054 Halvey_A429_056   Hungers and

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