Editorial Cartoons

...urch in West Brandywine. His cartoons were featured in The Catholic Standard and Times primarily between 1968 and 1976. John James Knudsen (1923-2008) John James Knudsen was the cartoonist for Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ The Tidings and the San Diego Union Tribune. His cartoons were published in The Catholic Standard

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Higher, Faster, Stronger: The Olympics

...hool. Drafted in 1996, he spent all 20 years of his career playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. In 2008 and 2012, Kobe was named to the Men’s Basketball Team, helping to bring home a gold medal both times. Kobe Bryant stands ready to shoot a free throw. Image is

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41st International Eucharistic Congress

...ging from Armenian to Korean, with 40,000 attending the Irish Mass on the grounds of St. Charles Seminary.[5] In addition to the numerous pilgrims, there were also a number of recognizable attendees who addressed the crowds during various parts of the week. St. Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy Day were

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Irish Land War

...ncerning Irish nationalism and independence, spanned the time period from around the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Religion and politics were both prominent topics in this time of conflict, but most of the pamphlets I’ve cataloged so far relate to the Land War in Ireland over the centuries

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