Friendly and Adopted Sons the war effort by establishing a bank to provide provisions to the American forces.[6] Medal that members had to wear. Features St. Patrick on one side and America and Ireland with Liberty on the other. On Dec 17, 1781, the society decided to add George Washington to the group;

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...grant, whose allegiance was to a foreign ruler, was seen as disloyal to America. Anti-Catholic sentiments led to violence in the summer of 1834. Sparked by rumors that nuns were being kept against their will, a mob attacked and burnt to the ground an Ursuline convent and school (attended mostly

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Digital Collections

...ary@Villanova has digitized books, papers, and periodicals owned by the American Catholic Historical Society, the majority of which relate to Irish American history. ACHS material can be found here and CHRC Historic Papers can be found here. The Catholic Historical Research Center's oral history program, which focuses on the life

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...regularly distributed clothes and food to the needy, giving out tens of thousands of pieces of garments per year as well as assisting families with holiday meals.[11] Every year the Alliance would also host Christmas parties for children of struggling families, where they would give out hundreds of new toys.[12]

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