
Through my employment here, I am a member of the Delaware Valley Archivists Group, or DVAG, and have found the association's meetings to be very informative and educational. It was at a DVAG meeting a couple of years ago that Cathleen Miller, who at the time was serving as Project

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“An Appeal to Truth”

...ted to dispel various nasty rumors that Germans were directing at Belgian citizens as well as make public Belgium’s victims of abuse. Cardinal Mercier was particularly agitated over the German government's accusations that Belgians were committing crimes against occupying German soldiers. Mercier claimed that these accusations, which were addressed in

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James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...othing, to do with diocesan history, or more broadly, the history of Catholicism in the U.S. PAHRC's collection not only includes the archives of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, but also the collections of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, the oldest Catholic historical society in the country. In it's 1885

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Victory Mass

  SB-36; CHRC With the outbreak of World War II, the Catholic Church in America declared their support to the American war effort. Nowhere was this more evident than in Philadelphia, when Cardinal Dougherty held a Mass to “obtain from the mercy of God our country’s victory.”[1] The Mass was

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