Catholics in WWII see.”[2] Boylan wrote to Dougherty in May of 1945 that there was little American celebrations on VE day as many believed they would soon be sent to the Pacific theater in the war against Japan.[3] Throughout his letters, Boylan told of the work his chaplain would perform, including daily

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...(1783-1872), an Irish immigrant who settled in Philadelphia, was the first American patentee of a graduated galvanic battery with insulated poles. Coad was a noted teacher and lecturer of medicine and the natural sciences, but gained wider notoriety after he invented and patented his galvanic battery in March 1842. The

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...he Sisters during the epidemic of influenza, October, 1918, (Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1919), 3-6. [8] Ibid., 7. [9] Ibid., 21. [10] Ibid., 24. [11] Ibid., 26 & 31. [12] Letter from Commissioner of Health of Pennsylvania to the Right Reverbed Dougherty on November 25, 1918. SB-10,

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Irish Land War estimated five million people). The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the American Civil War created an economic depression that spread to Ireland. This depression, combined with the collapse of the potato crop and a poultry cholera epidemic, led to a great deal of tenants falling behind or not being

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