10th Synod

...the preparation was completed in early 1966, it was decided to cancel the official synod as the larger Synod of Bishops was taking place in the aftermath of Vatican II. The 10th synod as organized by Bevilacqua officially opened on September 15, 2002 with a Mass at the Cathedral.[7] In

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Liturgical Music and Peter LaManna

...the Mass. In teaching at the Seminary, he instructed his students in both official teachings on liturgical music as well as pastoral implications. One thing that LaManna stressed in his classes was that secular music was not permitted at any liturgical service in the Archdiocese. Dr. LaManna continued to serve

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Research Request Forms

...py of the record. CHRC has some school records, mainly report cards, for a number of parochial schools: Ascension of Our Lord, St. Catharine of Sienna, St. Donato, St. Frances Cabrini Regional School, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Gertrude, St. Hugh, St. Joan of Arc, St. Madeline Sophie, Mater Dolorosa,

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The Bishop’s Bank

...ese, the majority of depositors were Irish. This is evident from the large number of Irish surnames and the notations listing the various counties in Ireland as the place of origin. Other notations are more lengthy. They might include personal information about the depositor or instructions on distributing money. They

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