Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...House of Representatives of the Fenian Brotherhood, in Joint Convention at Philadelphia, PA, (New York: D.W. Lee, 1868), P005.0145 [4] John O’Neill, “Address. Headquarters, O'Neill's Irish American colonies, 1439 North Twelfth St, Philadelphia, Pa, December 4th, 1876,” P001.1587, [5] O’Neill, “Address,” P001.1587 [6] MC14: Fenian Brotherhood Collection,

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Monsignor Hugh J. Nolan

Monsignor Hugh J. Nolan was born in Philadelphia on July 8, 1911 to Thomas and Mildred Nolan. After attending Corpus Christ parochial school and Roman Catholic High School, he entered Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary to study for the priesthood in 1929. In the course of nine years, Nolan obtained a

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John J. Bonner papers, 1909-1945 (MC 49)

...ladelphia from 1926-1945, John J. Bonner is credited with establishing the Philadelphia Catholic League and was one of the best-known Catholic educators in the country. Born in Philadelphia on November 2, 1890, John Bonner entered St. Charles Seminary after graduating from Roman Catholic High School. He transferred to the North

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James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...icism in the U.S. PAHRC's collection not only includes the archives of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, but also the collections of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, the oldest Catholic historical society in the country. In it's 1885 charter, the ACHS stated that it's purpose "shall be the preservation and

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