Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J. were rare exceptions for married priests, it was suggested by Vatican officials that “his usefulness would prove greater as a married man than as a priest.” [3] After the birth of their third child John Henry, the couple returned to the United States. In Grand Coteau, Louisiana, the Connellys

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Catholic Club of Philadelphia records, 1871-1923 (MC 23)

...f many founded in major cities throughout the country during the late 19th century, offered wealthy men of a certain socioeconomic background cultural, intellectual, and social opportunities. These clubs sponsored balls, concerts, lectures as well as other events and activities that raised large sums of money for local church charities.

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Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...ll (1840-1913). Jane and Marianne were two of the few 19th- and early 20th century prominent Catholic women feminists who advocated for women’s equality, specifically a woman’s right to vote. Both were very active within the women’s suffrage movement until the passage of the nineteenth amendment. Sarah Jane Campbell Jane,

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Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...proved by the city in 1962 and involved doctors examining the remains and preservation work done on the body.[10] Around this same time, Neumann’s third miracle required for canonization was being performed on Michael Flanigan. Michael was a fourteen year old boy who suffered from Ewing sarcoma, a bone cancer

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