The Battle of Antietam: a Philadelphia soldier’s experience

...t out as quick as we could the rebels were behind us we had to get out the best way we could our company lost from eight to ten killed and wounded and prisoners...we expected another battle to day but they have skedadled... September 19, 1862, page 1 September 19,

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell food and clothing to the poor from her Walnut Street home. Francis A. Drexel When Anthony Drexel died in 1885 he left an estate worth over 15 million dollars, a staggering total at that time. One tenth of this was to be distributed to various Catholic institutions. The remainder

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...are a less technologically-intensive institution; we use WordPress for our site; we need inexpensive and easily-implemented alternatives...Perfect! The catablog looked like a great option that would allow us to make our collections more accessible to researchers. With the help of our IT consultant, Walt Rice, Jr. I have begun to

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...t good in Philadelphia. Many are prepared for death, frightened from daily examples of unexpected deaths.” Excerpt from Kenrick letter to Bishop Rese, August 16, 1832 References: McGowan, Francis X., ed. Historical Sketch of St. Augustine's Church, Phila., Pa. Philadelphia: The Augustinian Fathers, 1896. Prendergast, Edmond, ed. Diary and Visitation

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