Ann Mattingly’s Miracle Cure

...of the book Mrs. Mattingly’s Miracle, by Nancy Schultz. The two pamphlets examine Ann’s extraordinary cure and give evidence that a miracle saved Mrs. Mattingly’s life. The first pamphlet was published in 1824, the same year as her recovery. 1824 Pamphlet about Ann Mattingly It begins with two letters, one

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...her. Click the link below to listen to his thoughts on prayer, or read the except below. We have to learn how to say prayers together. But we have to learn how to say the prayers individually, and hungrily. When children have problems we have to teach them to

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Centenarian Priest Speaks of Bells and Prayer – Oral History Interview

...her. Click the link below to listen to his thoughts on prayer, or read the except below. We have to learn how to say prayers together. But we have to learn how to say the prayers individually, and hungrily. When children have problems we have to teach them to

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...appointed Director of the Cardinal's Commission on Human Relations. Devlin: George Fencl, (Chief Inspector and head of the Police Department’s Civil Affairs Unit), would call me. And one time we were up there and I had to bring in Spanish priests you know. And they were good. They’d come

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