Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...orth Carolina Press, 2013), 2-3. [2] Vinson, J. Chal. "Thomas Nast and the American Political Scene." American Quarterly 9, no. 3 (1957): 338 & 340. [3] Thomas Milton Kemnitz, "The Cartoon as a Historical Source." The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 4, no. 1 (1973), 82. [4] Ibid., 92-93. [5] Bill

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...rtoons, Nast demonstrated the idea that the pope, by having authority over American Catholics, was a threat to the United States government and its people. "The American River Ganges. The priests and the children" Another reason for Nast’s anti-Catholic drawings was a fear that Catholics were attacking the public

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Mathew Carey

...min Franklin and Benjamin Rush and helped lead to an increased interest in American literature.[6] An even larger impact on the American literary scene was Carey’s book company, which was described as the “greatest publishing and distributing firm in the country.”[7] In addition to publishing American works, Carey was a

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Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...y 2, 1864. The Catholic Herald and The Catholic Herald and Visitor was the official organ of the Diocese of Philadelphia and carried the recommendation of the Bishop. The January 10, 1863 issue of The Catholic Herald and Visitor has the slogan, “Official Organ of the Diocese of Philadelphia” under

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