Mathew Carey

...ature.[6] An even larger impact on the American literary scene was Carey’s book company, which was described as the “greatest publishing and distributing firm in the country.”[7] In addition to publishing American works, Carey was a major player in importing European works, being the first to publish Walter Scott and

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TV and Radio focused initially on radio programs, producing shows such as Up On Air, The Sane Society, and Breakthrough. TV production focused on TV Mass aired on WPVI.[5] In 1981, the office created a new show called Real to Reel. The 30 minute magazine style show sought to “promote gospel values

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The Battle of Antietam: a Philadelphia soldier’s experience

...been the first battlefield i saw it would make me sick it was worse than Fair Oak [Battle of Fair Oaks, also known as the Battle of Seven Pines, which took place in Virginia on May 31 and June 1, 1862]. it was four miles long and the dead lie

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World War One Army Chaplains insight into the conditions that faced the American forces at the front lines. Father Wolfe saw action in the Second Battle of the Marne at Conde-en-Brie. Leading up to the battle, Wolfe moved around the different platoons to administer the sacraments.[6] After the battle, Wolfe described the Americans troops

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