Catholics in WWII

...that there are no atheists in the foxholes. Louis Meyer Photograph, Assasm India, 1844 The other major part of Dougherty’s WWII correspondence deals with chaplains, both from an administrative national level and an individual priest level. A common theme of the correspondence with Bishop John O’Hara of the Military Ordinariate

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons cartoon where he drew a Catholic priest trying convert a recently freed African-American family. However, behind his back the priest holds a pair of shackles, implying that through Catholicism the family will be enslaved again. It is also interesting to note, that in the background is a public school

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Centennial Exposition

...tructed their own buildings.[7] Of all the buildings, only two survived to today, Memorial Hall, which is now the Please Touch Museum, and the Ohio House.[8] The opening of the Centennial Exposition was discussed in papers across the world. It was reported that 500,000 people attended the opening, including dignitaries

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The Church and Labor

...alike and continues to be an integral part of the Church’s mission through today. See the full collection of pamphlets and writings on labor on our online catalog: [1] Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter of Our Holy Father by Divine Providence Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, (Philadelphia: Hardy

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