Legion of Decency

...Legion of Decency The cartoons used by the Legion of Decency represent the use of cartoons as means of propaganda. These images were used to gain support for the movie boycotts of the 1930s. The use of the octopus was a common motif in cartooning to illustrate corruption. Catholic Youth

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...ersity Archives, some institutions are using this method as a way to allow users to access their collections. As explained on the University of Massachusetts' UMarmot site, the catablog originated: "...as an experiment responding to two perceived needs: first, to find a low cost means of maximizing the public availability

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Papal Infallibility

...ters of salvation and deal with the whole church, which means he could not use his authority to speak ex cathedra on matters only relating to one country. Thus, Newman concluded that there is “no inconsistency in my being at once a good Catholic and a good Englishman.”[12] Not all

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Drexel Beatification

...e end of June, 1988, while at the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Motherhouse, Archbishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua announced that Drexel would be beatified by Pope John Paul II in the months to come. Halvey_246G_007 Halvey_246G_006 Halvey_246G_001   Mass of Thanksgiving With this miracle approved, Katharine Drexel was beatified on

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