Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...(1973), 82. [4] Ibid., 92-93. [5] Bill Ong Hing, To Be an American: Cultural Pluralism and the Rhetoric of Assimilation, (New York: NYU Press, 1997), 14. [6] Karla Irwin, “Chaos in the Streets: The Philadelphia Riots of 1844,” Villanova University Falvey Memorial Library, (2011), [7] Allison O’Mahen Malcom, “Loyal

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Philadelphia’s First Catholic Cathedral

...a month later. Due to all these issues, Kenrick sought to move the cathedral to a new church. Finally in 1838, Kenrick designated St. John the Evangelist as the new pro-Cathedral. Despite the rocky relationship between the trustees and the bishops, Old St. Mary’s served as vital role in the

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...World War II that plans to finish the shire were developed. A general appeal by all the U.S. bishops went out in 1953, raising over $8 million, which allowed construction to resume in 1954.[16] Maginnis resumed the role of architect and began where he left off 20 years prior. Building

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Parish and School Closing

.... While it was able to recover, other institutions would not be so lucky. Halvey_654J_021 Halvey_654J_022 Halvey_667J_004 Halvey_667J_009 Halvey_667J_013 Halvey_677J_024   Parishes Merge In 1992, Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua announced plans to examine the closing of a number of parishes in North Philadelphia and the city of Chester. Both areas saw

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