Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...rst session to examine the life of John Neumann for evidence of his virtue.[2] As the examination of Neumann’s life began, investigations into possible miracles were also underway. While one miracle for beatification and one for canonization are the current requirements, at the time of Neumann’s cause, two miracles were

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Hometown Saint: Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Philadelphia

...tinue to run the school and separate catechetical classes for the years to come. The order also ran a boarding school/orphanage out of their Motherhouse called Holy Providence. The school was the first official work the order undertook, beginning when the sisters were still at their temporary convent while St.

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Neumann Canonization Francis. It was not long after his death that calls were being made to open his cause for canonization. In May of 1886, the Diocese of Philadelphia and his order, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), held the first session to examine the life of John Neumann

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...sessions held everyday. Twice the crowds packed into the Hall to try to hear Bishop Fulton J. Sheen speak. Before a crowd of 10,000 people, he spoke of the importance of the missions in the East a as way to bring people their “full heritage” and to combat the evils

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