Archbishop John Carroll

...would enter the Jesuit novitiate, beginning his studies for the priesthood.[2] Despite the suppression of the Jesuits in France, Carroll was ordained a priest in 1769 and took his final vows in 1771, two years before the order would be suppressed by the Pope.[3] He would return to American in

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Catholic Interracial Council

...cture would then work within the Catholic Church to achieve social justice.[2] The first such group in Philadelphia was founded three years later in 1937 also by Father LaFarge. The Catholic Intercollegiate Interracial Council (CIIC) was organized at Saint Joseph's University.[3] Five other local colleges would also join the council:

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...port (April 13, 1812) suggesting layoffs or a decrease in clergy salary to combat the church's growing debt, page 1 Trustees' report, page 2 Egan vowed to be more assertive and tried to amicably resolve disputes, but his mild nature restricted his authority. Divisions within the Philadelphia church remained, and

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Saint John Neumann and the Forty Hours Devotion

...Nothing Party continued the spread of nativist and Anti-Catholic rhetoric. [1]   Despite the opposition, Bishop Neumann went ahead with plans of the implementation of the devotion. In The Church of St. Philip Neri: A History, a story is recounted: Wax candle from the first Forty Hours Devotion in Philadelphia,

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