Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence, John Ward Dean, Edmond Mallet, and Eugene Vetromile. The collection is open to researchers. The PDF finding aid can be found here. PAHRC also has the original finding aid with item-level information which includes specific dates. If you would like to take a look at the original finding aid

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Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish

...oners that “we need any man who can drive a nail for this to work.” As was common in the archdiocese, parishes were encouraged to quickly open a school. The first school for St. Joan of Arc had humble beginnings. “On the corner of Frankford road and Atlantic street stood

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...another cartoon where he drew a Catholic priest trying convert a recently freed African-American family. However, behind his back the priest holds a pair of shackles, implying that through Catholicism the family will be enslaved again. It is also interesting to note, that in the background is a public school

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Centennial Exposition

...y 7, 2019, [9] The Exhibition,” The Catholic Standard, 1. [10] “Opening of the American Exhibition,” Tablet, (London: May 13, 1876), 611; “The Centennial Opening,” The Louisville Catholic Advocate, (Louisville, Kentucky: May 18, 1876), 4. [11] Tablet; Advocate. [12] Louis M. Steingraber, The Church's participation in Philadelphia's celebrat...

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