Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence

...ribes of the United States, 1529-1854 (1854), An Elementary History of the United States (1855), and A School History of the United States (1855). Shea was very passionate about his life as a scholar; so much so that over the next four decades, he published two hundred and fifty articles

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...the pope, by having authority over American Catholics, was a threat to the United States government and its people. "The American River Ganges. The priests and the children" Another reason for Nast’s anti-Catholic drawings was a fear that Catholics were attacking the public school system, which Nast saw as

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Centennial Exposition Exhibition,” The Philadelphia Public Ledger, May 8, 1876, SB1, 234. [2] United States Centennial International Exhibition Shares, [3] “The Exhibition,” The Catholic Standard, May 20, 1876, 1. [4] Opening of the Centennial Building on Sunday Afternoons,” The Catholic Standard, SB1, 235. [5] “Great Exhibition,” SB1, 234 [6] The

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Temperance Movement

...ver 66,000.[12] President Roosevelt speaking before C.T.A.U. delegates and United Mine Workers of America One of the largest events held by the CTAU was the 1905 annual convention in Wilkes-Barre, PA when President Teddy Roosevelt spoke as the keynote to over 80,000 people. The Catholic Total Abstinence Union continued

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