Recap of “To Touch a Saint: Creating a Place for Middle School Students” Grant Program! example of a primary source they saw. The students learned how to also use Find My Past and each visit was tailored to the school and parish, with historical photos, related facts, and trivia. Every student and staff/chaperone received a brochure that detailed how to use the Archives, Find

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St. Peter Claver the Holy Ghost Fathers, this order of priests had numerous missions in Africa and through the work of Drexel and Ryan, agreed to come to Philadelphia. Father Peter McDermott CSSp arrived in Philadelphia in 1889 and set up a small rectory, chapel, and school at 832 Pine Street, in

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Catholics in WWII

...ese photos show his chapel as well as life around a camp in the jungles of Southeast Asia.[11] As we commemorate the end of WWII in Europe, it is important to recognize and remember the service and sacrifice of Catholics during the war   [1] Letter from White House July

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Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...Connelly was able to keep Francis, the couple’s fifth child, with her. Because of her talent for teaching and compassion for children, Cornelia was handpicked to start a convent school in Derby, England. By now she was accustomed to following God's orders for her life, so she packed up the

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