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...handling materials. Smoking is prohibited. Eating and drinking are prohibited around workspace. Noise should be kept at a minimum. Wash hands before handling materials. Gloves should be worn if examining photographic materials The use of digital cameras is permitted. The use of personal scanners is not permitted. Researchers can use

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition” laws like Oklahoma did Catholics preserve the right to obtain and use altar wine.[6] Catholic Total Abstinence Union       However, this does not mean that Catholics were always in favor of alcohol. As discussed in a previous post, the Catholic Total Abstinence Union (CTAU) was a

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...parochial schools (schools run by a parish) and attempts by politicians to use government money to fund these schools caused concern that public schools would be completely replaced. “The American River Ganges. The priests and the children,” December, 30, 1871 One of Nast’s most famous cartoons, “The American River Ganges,”

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons the public school system was at this time Catholics were protesting the use of Protestant bibles and prayers at schools and wished to see the practice ended. Furthermore, the rise of parochial schools and some attempts by politicians, most notably Boss Tweed, to use state money to help fund

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