National Council of Catholic Women

...a predecessor to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.[1] The United States bishops created the NCCW as a way to better organize other regional and local women groups. In this way, it would serve more as an umbrella organization to help coordinate action between associations rather than a local

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Centennial Exposition Exhibition,” The Philadelphia Public Ledger, May 8, 1876, SB1, 234. [2] United States Centennial International Exhibition Shares, [3] “The Exhibition,” The Catholic Standard, May 20, 1876, 1. [4] Opening of the Centennial Building on Sunday Afternoons,” The Catholic Standard, SB1, 235. [5] “Great Exhibition,” SB1, 234 [6] The

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Internships/Volunteer VOLUNTEERS If you are interested in volunteering at CHRC, please contact us stating your skills, hours available per week, and your time commitment (a few weeks, months, etc.). Some of the kinds of projects for volunteers may include: cataloging archival and library materials into our PastPerfect database, creating inventories

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Visiting CHRC

...on below to help make your time with us as productive as it can be. Please contact us at or at (215) 904-8149 to make an appointment to visit the archives. Researchers should also contact CHRC to ensure that we have the appropriate materials. Hours of operation: CHRC is

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