The Church and Labor

...Social Reconstruction [9] John Coogan, Rome and the American Labor Union, (St. Louis: Central Bureau Press), P012.0683 [10] M.F. Hennelly, The Church the Champion of the Working Man, (Dublin: The Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, 1937), P002.2298 [11] John O’Hara, 1953 Labor Day Speech, 91.282 Archives Archives Select Month July

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American Federation of Catholic Societies

...0] One of the committees at both the national and state level that had the most impact was the legislative committee. These committees would meet to review bills and the propose changes or voice opposition. The national committee campaigned against loosing divorce laws and supported legislation that aided non-public schools.[11]

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Parish and School Closing

...that meant higher salaries and increased tuition costs to families. This almo*]}*st forced Roman Catholic High School for Boys, the first diocesan high school in the country to close in 1988. While it was able to recover, other institutions would not be so lucky. Halvey_654J_021 Halvey_654J_022 Halvey_667J_004 Halvey_667J_009 Halvey_667J_013 Halvey_677J_024

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Packard, Butler and Partridge Lithograph Collection

...Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, and a few from Canada, mainly Montreal. Almo*]}*st nothing is known about why the company chose to specialize in church lithographs or how they solicited business or performed the execution of the lithographs. Packard appears to be the main artist with Butler and Partridge executing the lithographs.

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